To RSVP, please visit Close the Gap SD24 Search Party.

We are the National Women’s Political Caucus Los Angeles Westside (NWPC LA Westside), a multi-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to increasing women’s participation in the political process and creating a women’s political power base to achieve equality for all women. We endorse women for public office. We work to recruit, train, and support pro-choice women candidates for elected and appointed offices and at all levels of government.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Upcoming Events for Hillary
The Hillary for America campaign has many events scheduled for Southern California in the coming weeks. Please find details below within each link:Monday, September 12
With Jon Favreau, Former White House Speechwriter
Los Angeles, California
RSVP: raiser=469711 Tuesday, September 13
Afternoon with Secretary Hillary Clinton at home of Seth MacFarland featuring special performance by Lionel Richie
Beverly Hills, California
RSVP: raiser=469711
Tuesday, September 13
Dinner and Conversation with Secretary Hillary Clinton at home of Diane von Furstenberg & Barry Diller
Beverly Hills, California
RSVP: raiser=469711 Monday, September 19
Latinos for Hillary Dinner with Tim Kaine hosted by Eva Longoria
Los Angeles, California
RSVP: raiser=469711 Tuesday, September 20
Conversation with Tim Kaine hosted by Jay Sures
Los Angeles, California
RSVP: raiser=469711
Tuesday, September 20
Evening with Tim Kaine
Pacific Palisades, California
RSVP: raiser=469711
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Join us on September 24 to Meet CA Assembly Candidates Laura Friedman & Christy Smith
Join us on September 24 to Meet CA Assembly Candidates
Laura Friedman & Christy Smith
Laura Friedman
Assembly District 43
Christy Smith
Assembly District 38
Please Join Janice Kamenir-Reznik, Ben Reznik and Robyn Ritter Simon to support TWO outstanding CA Assembly candidates
Saturday, September 24th
4:00pm to 6:00pm
At the home of Janice & Ben Reznik
Address provided upon RSVP
We are very excited about these candidates and are eager for you to meet them and join with us in supporting their campaigns.
Please consider making a contribution of any amount.
Suggested contribution levels:
$500 Host
$250 Supporter
$100 Friend
To make a contribution to Christy and Laura please visit their websites and make an on-line donation or bring a check with you to the event.
Questions? Please contact Robyn Ritter Simon at 310.710.3112 or
Paid for by Laura Friedman for Assembly 2016 ID#1368792
1009 N. Pacific Ave., #4451 Glendale, California 91222
Paid for by Christy Smith for Assembly FPPC #1382058
24307 Magic Mtn. Pkwy, #301 Valencia, California 91335
Invitation Computer Generated
Women's Week of Action For Hillary
There are over 150 women's events happening in over 20 states across the country this week, including rallies with Chelsea Clinton (don't miss her in PA!), women phone banks with Anne Holton (don't miss her in AZ!), and even a women's volunteer summit in
Chicago with Mary Kay Henry of SEIU and Jess O'Connell of EMILY's
List!. Thousands of volunteers will be joining our organizing and
digital amplification efforts across the country - and we need you!
Ways to Engage
- Change your Facebook cover photo: Attached are a series of Women Together and Deal Me In Facebook cover photos. We've also included a SMS women graphic to help build our list of incredible women supporters across the country. When you post, please encourage folks to visit to get more involved. Tomorrow, this page will also redirect to a great new women's vote toolkit with resources for our women volunteers!
- Share our new Women-to-Women Call Tool: This is a great way for our women volunteers to call other women supporters from home. Share it far and wide to the favorite phone bankers and women volunteers in your life.
- Help us celebrate our women volunteers: We've got a great Medium article on how women are the backbone of this campaign. Read and share it here! We're going to be amplifying volunteer stories all week like Carol in NY and Ana in TX. Send us your folks and we'll work to uplift them on our national channels.
- Follow the HFA Women's Team on Twitter: We will be pushing out original women's content all week - follow us for the latest: @minitimm, @toritaylor, @NeishaBlandin, and @ahujie.
- Encourage your members to attend events: Let
us know what states you have in-state capacity and we'll send you a
list of events happening in that area. We'd love your members to help
build up these events. You can also search online at
Message Guidance
- Women are - and will continue to be - one of the most important driving forces behind HRC’s campaign.
- We celebrate and are so grateful for the women who have gotten us this far - we couldn't have done it without you but we all know we aren't done yet.
- We are calling on women to step up their engagement between now and Election Day so we can win on November 8 -- this election matters and none of us want to look back on November 9th and think we could have done more.
- Let's come together and work as hard as we can every day to make sure our next president is someone who stands with and embodies our values -- to make sure our next president is Hillary Clinton
Monday, September 5, 2016
Phone Bank for Hillary in Santa Monica in September and October
SUNDAYS in Sept. & Oct. - Join Us!
9040H Santa Monica Phone Bank
are starting a phone banking schedule for the Hillary Clinton campaign at on Sunday afternoons in September and October.
Volunteers will be phoning democratic voters in swing states to
help the campaign with their massive get out the vote (GOTV) efforts.
The local Hillary campaign ground team - 9040H - runs the event and will
explain exactly what you need to do - you will be given phone logs and
scripts. If you have never volunteered at a phone bank, it is a fun and a
meaningful way to engage in this critical election.
Be part of the
solution - join us!
All you need to be willing to do is:
• Bring and use your own (charged) cell phone to call pre-determined swing state voters
• Volunteer for a couple of hours on Sunday afternoons (1-4pm)
• Sign up on the official link, below, for the first session on Sunday, September 11 from 1-4pm.
You will be put into the volunteer database and will receive email
prompts for future volunteering from your local 9040H team.
Here is the schedule for phone banking:
Sundays in September (1:00 - 4:00pm) - 11, 25
Sundays in October (1:00 - 4:00pm) - 2, 23, 30
Here is the link to sign up for the first phone bank.
You must sign up on the link to get the full details and be notified
about the rest of the schedule and other local ways to volunteer:
Copy of Loretta Sanchez Letter to Governor Brown (08/31/2016)
Sept. 1, 2016
Good afternoon fellow NWPC sisters,
Yesterday, I wrote a letter to Governor Jerry Brown urging him to help stop the cronyism and special privilege that exists in the legal system. For too long, individuals with influence and power have been granted special privileges at the expense of their victims. I ask the Governor to sign AB2888, which would close the loophole in sentencing of sexual assault and ensures that anyone convicted of sexual assault in California cannot be sentenced to probation.The LA Times covered this letter today in their online publication ( ial-politics-updates-senate- candidate-loretta-sanchez- asks-1472756039-htmlstory.html ) I ask that you stand with me in urging Governor Brown to sign AB2888. You can reach his office at (916) 445-2841.Please see the full text of my letter to Governor Brown below:August 31, 2016The Honorable Edmund G. Brown Jr.Governor of CaliforniaState Capitol, Suite 1173Sacramento, CA 95814Dear Governor Brown,I write to you today in support of AB 2888 by California Legislators Assemblyman Bill Dodd (D-Napa), Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley) and Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo and Santa Clara) that would ensure incarceration to predators found guilty of sexual assault.As the highest-ranking woman on the Armed Services Committee and the founder and Chair of the Congressional Women in the Military Caucus, I understand from testimonies that sexual assault can happen anywhere, anytime and by anyone.In 2005, I successfully pushed to address sexual assault in the military with a policy that protects victims, empowers prosecutors, and creates a zero-tolerance policy toward sexual assault and abuse.All victims of sexual assault deserve equal treatment regardless of socio-economics, education or immigration status. However, the reality is that the law can and has failed victims by giving well-connected and affluent predators like Brock Turner an advantage with an alumni judge who will neglect the crime and ultimately disregard the victim.During the Turner hearing, the victim read aloud to the man who raped her, “You took away my worth, my privacy, my energy, my time, my intimacy, my confidence, my own voice, until today. The damage is done, no one can undo it. And now we both have a choice. We can let this destroy us, I can remain angry and hurt and you can be in denial, or we can face it head on, I accept the pain, you accept the punishment, and we move on.”However, there was no real punishment in this case because a judge abused his discretion to help a favored athlete at his alma mater. There is a serious problem in this state where well-connected individuals believe they are above accountability for sexual assault and other criminal acts because they or their families are well connected. This bill should end any impression that absolute misuse of power and influence allows people to assault others sexually with virtual impunity.I urge you to read the victim’s full statement (below) before you make a decision about AB 2888. What she feels and knows is the pain that too many other victims of sexual assault know: absent a real punishment, they feel like there was never a crime that took place and cannot move on.Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to partnering with you to address the continuing violence against women.Sincerely,Rep. Loretta Sanchez (CA-46)CC: Assemblyman Bill Dodd (D-Napa)CC: Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley)CC: Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo and Santa Clara)Attachment: Transcript of Stanford victim’s statement###To learn more about the campaign, please visit
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