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The Women Who Lead Los Angeles
6:30 p.m. - Discussion & Q&A
the first time in history, three women hold the top positions of
leadership in Los Angeles County. With oversight on multiple issues
including businesses development, homelessness, housing, healthcare, and
an evolving criminal justice system, these positions have the capacity
to wield enormous influence across the entire region.
us for the USC Price School's Dean's Speaker Series event, which will
provide an exciting and inspirational opportunity to highlight the
important policy changes that female leaders are spearheading in Los
Angeles County.
USC Schwarzenegger Institute for State & Global Policy
Los Angeles County
Hilda Solis
Los Angeles County, First District
Mary Wickham
Los Angeles County
Hosted self parking is available at Parking Structure X
off Figueroa Boulevard & McCarthy Way
by Friday, February 26th.
For additional information, please contact Kristen DesCombes at
(213) 821-0417 or
Thank you to our event sponsors
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